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Shockwave Therapy

Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) has become accepted technology for treating musculoskeletal problems, soft-tissue injuries and bone injuries in horses.

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Platelet Rich Plasma

Platelet rich plasma or PRP is a regenerative medicine treatment that delivers a high concentrate of platelets in the form of blood plasma to a lesion increasing the amount of growth factors at the site to help in healing. 

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Mesotherapy is effective in treating degenerative arthritis in a horse’s back and the cervical vertebrae. It helps by reversing the physiology of these conditions to stop the pain spasm cycle.

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IRAP® Therapy

IRAP is a natural treatment that has been developed for the treatment of joint disease in horses.

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In House Laboratory

At The Equine Center two in-house laboratories provide hematology, blood chemistry and microbiological services.

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Hospital Services

Our hospital is prepared and equipped to service any equine medical need. Whether it be emergency, diagnostic, neonatal, preventative, rehabilitative or reproductive care, we are available to meet your horse’s needs.

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Video Endoscopy

The Equine Center has an extensive range of video endoscopes, with sizes suitable for the smallest foal and the largest horse.

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Digital Radiography

The state-of-the-art digital radiography systems at The Equine Center are powerful, high speed x-ray machines that make it possible to image difficult body parts such as the neck, chest, and pelvis of large adult horses.

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The Equine Center works closely with local farriers to provide the very best hoof balance and shoeing techniques for your horse. We are able to give these talented farriers x-ray vision to enhance the accuracy and specificity of their corrections.

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