Emergency Services

San Luis Obispo Equine is dedicated to providing prompt emergency services to our established clientele and their animals.


Emergency services are provided to patients who have been seen by our practice in the last 12 months.

Emergency service is also provided to non-clients if we are contacted directly (and specifically) by your regular veterinarian directly.

If you are not currently a client of San Luis Obispo Equine, please contact your regular veterinarian for emergency service.

We are here for you in wellness and sickness

To ensure that you have the care you need in an emergency, be sure that your horse is seen yearly for a wellness exam, dental exam, nutritional counseling and vaccinations. By taking a proactive approach to your horse’s wellness, you will be maximizing their quality of life through prevention and early treatment of disease.

How can WellCare help?

San Luis Obispo Equine has multiple wellness programs available to suit your horses needs. All horses enrolled in one of our wellness programs are eligible to receive emergency services, if ever needed. We are dedicated to providing prompt emergency services to our established clientele and their animals.